Breast Revision Surgery

Breast Revision in Northern Virginia With Dr. Erica Anderson

Breast implants have undergone significant improvements over the last two decades to make them look and feel more natural.

Now, many women want to exchange their older silicone or saline breast implants for a newer generation of implants in a breast revision. Breast revision surgery is also an essential procedure for those looking to address health concerns like capsular contracture or implant leaks.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Erica Anderson has specialized in breast rejuvenation procedures for over 20 years. By valuing honest communication and sincere connections with each patient, Dr. Anderson strives to create a positive experience where she can deliver the results you want.

Are you interested in learning more about breast revision? Contact us at (703) 893-1111 or complete our online form to schedule your consultation today!

What Is Breast Revision?

While new technology has significantly improved breast implant longevity, they are not lifelong devices and may rupture or leak over time. Breast revision surgery replaces older implants with newer ones, allowing you to switch to a different implant shape, size, position, or material.

Your customized breast revision surgery can also include a breast lift for a more youthful figure, especially if you experience sagging after pregnancy, weight fluctuations, or aging.

Each breast revision surgery is unique, based on your lifestyle and anatomy. You may have many reasons to consider this procedure, including:

  • Update the implants’ size, shape, material, or position
  • Address discomfort or pain from capsular contraction – an uncomfortable condition where hard scar tissue forms around the breast implant
  • Correct issues like rippling
  • Resolve implant migration, leak, or rupture
  • Restore aesthetically pleasing proportions to fit your lifestyle and anatomy
  • Renew your confidence and improve your quality of life

Choosing Dr. Anderson as Your Virginia Breast Revision Surgeon

Board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Anderson has specialized in breast and body contouring procedures for two decades. She prides herself on delivering outstanding results and exemplary care for all patients. Through her practice at McLean Plastic Surgery, Dr. Anderson wants to use her knowledge and experience in a more personalized, welcoming setting where she can offer unparalleled care.

As a woman and breast rejuvenation expert, Dr. Anderson understands her patients’ reasons and motivations to pursue breast revisions.

Your Breast Revision Consultation With Dr. Anderson

As one of the few female plastic surgeons in Northern Virginia, Dr. Anderson offers multiple breast rejuvenation options to help you achieve your long-term aesthetic goals. During your consultation, Dr. Anderson will discuss your medical history, perform a physical examination, and review your breast revision options to tailor your procedure to your anatomy and lifestyle.

With improved technology, the latest generation of implants has come a long way to help you achieve your desired outcomes. You have many factors to consider when choosing your new breast implants, including material, size, shape, and placement.

Saline vs. Silicone

Choosing between saline or silicone gel implants is the first decision you’ll make. Both materials have pros and cons.

Saline implants offer fewer health risks if they rupture; however, this may result in an asymmetrical appearance until you get them replaced. They also allow for smaller incisions because the surgeon fills them after insertion. Typically, they are more cost-effective. Saline implants are heavier or firmer than their silicone counterparts and may have a less natural look or feel.

Silicone gel implants consist of a thick, sticky gel that holds its upper pole volume. They are lighter and softer than saline implants and produce a more natural feel and look. There are several options for silicone implants, including textured and anatomical. The FDA recommends that women with silicone implants get an ultrasonography or MRI screening every two years to detect possible compromises or leaks. Replacing silicone implants after a rupture is more complicated, as the body does not absorb the material. They are also more expensive than saline implants.


Determining the correct implant size can be challenging when planning your breast revision. With 3D imaging technology, Dr. Anderson will help you consider factors like your chest width, body size, existing breast tissue, and anatomy to help you select your perfect implants. You can visualize images of your figure with different implant sizes by viewing photos from multiple angles.


Breast implants come in different shapes to accommodate patient needs and preferences.

Anatomical or teardrop-shaped implants have a natural, tapered look. They are often ideal for thinner women with less breast tissue to conceal the implant.

Round implants increase upper pole volume or fullness, creating perkier-looking breasts. With no risk of rotation, the latest generation of round implants has a more cohesive structure with varying levels of gel consistency and firmness to add volume in different areas.

Textured or Non-Textured Implants

The FDA recently recalled some textured breast implants due to possible links to a rare form of cancer. However, many textured implants are still safe. These have an outer shell with a slightly rough, irregular surface that stimulates scar formation, which can help the implants remain in place.

Breast Revision Before and After

View our gallery to see our patients’ breast revision before-and-after photos.

Am I an Ideal Candidate for Breast Revision?

There are many reasons women choose breast revision, including changing aesthetic preferences and health complications like implant ruptures, leaks, or capsular contracture. 

Breast revision candidates may be looking for:

  • Changes in breast size
  • A natural-appearing appearance
  • Perkier breast implants with more defined upper pole volume
  • Switching saline to silicone, or vice versa
  • Asymmetry correction, including breast size and position

Candidates interested in breast revision should:

  • Be in good physical and mental health, living a healthy lifestyle
  • Be at a healthy, stable body weight
  • Be a non-smoker or be willing to quit at least six weeks before and after surgery
  • Not be pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Have no medical conditions that impair healing
  • Have a positive outlook and realistic expectations
  • Understand the possible risks and benefits

Meet McLean's Breast and Body Specialist

Explore your transformative cosmetic surgery options available from board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Erica Anderson. As a breast and body contouring specialist, Dr. Anderson combines extensive knowledge of anatomy with her unparalleled passion for patient care. Schedule your consultation with one of the best plastic surgeons in Northern Virginia today.

Preparing for Breast Revision Surgery

You must be in good overall health before any surgery. Here’s general information to help you prepare for breast revision.

  • Avoid weight fluctuations by sticking to a consistent exercise regimen and well-rounded diet. Eat healthy, nutritious meals with plenty of protein for an optimal recovery.
  • Remain well-hydrated before and after surgery.
  • Ensure you’re healthy enough for surgery by seeing your primary physician for a full examination and appropriate testing, such as a mammogram, bloodwork, or an EKG.
  • Avoid medications, supplements, or vitamins that increase bleeding or bruising risks for at least two weeks before and after surgery.
  • If you currently smoke, vape, or use nicotine products, you should quit. Smoking is detrimental to your health, so Dr. Anderson requires patients to stop smoking at least six weeks before and after surgery.
  • Prepare for recovery by taking ample time off work, purchasing necessary supplies, filling pain medication prescriptions, freezing meals for easy preparation, and creating a clean, comfortable place to rest.
  • Ask a trusted friend or family member to drive you home after your procedure.
  • Arrange for assistance with household management or child care.

Breast Revision Procedure Overview

On the day of your procedure, you’ll meet with Dr. Anderson one last time to review the details of your specific surgical plan and answer any final questions you have.

Once your anesthesia has taken effect, Dr. Anderson will make incisions to remove your existing implants. Typically, she will follow the original incision pattern to reduce scarring during implant removal and replacement.

Depending on your procedural plan, breast revision surgery may last for three to four hours.

Breast Revision Recovery

Breast revision procedures are typically outpatient surgeries. You can go home the same day with a responsible adult to drive you.

For several weeks to months, expect to experience swelling, bruising, soreness, numbness, and heaviness in your chest that gradually subside. Dr. Anderson will prescribe pain medication to minimize your discomfort.

Though everyone heals at a different rate, most patients find recovery from breast revision surgery shorter than their initial breast augmentation. Typically, patients take one week off work and vigorous activities. You may also need help completing everyday tasks as you heal.

Dr. Anderson recommends getting plenty of rest and avoiding strenuous activities, such as exercise or heavy lifting, for at least two to three weeks. You can resume light walks or other low-impact exercises within a week, slowly building up to more intense workouts.

How Soon Will I See My Breast Revision Results?

Having realistic expectations for your results is the most critical part of preparing mentally to have cosmetic surgery. Swelling and bruising may take several weeks to resolve, and complete healing could take six months to a year. Be patient and give your body time to heal.

Results typically depend on:

  • Implant size and material
  • Scar tissue
  • Quality and quantity of breast tissue

Enhance Your Figure
boost your confidence

View our gallery to see Dr. Anderson’s outstanding results

How Much Does Northern Virginia Breast Revision Cost?

Costs vary by patient, based on the anatomical needs and aesthetic goals used to craft your customized surgical plan. During your consultation, Dr. Anderson will determine your procedural scope and estimate your breast revision cost.

Your health insurance will not cover your breast revision unless your implants were placed after a breast cancer diagnosis.  need it to correDr. Anderson offers CareCredit and other financing options, which you can ask about during your consultation.

Schedule Your Northern Virginia Breast Revision Consultation Today

There are many reasons to choose breast revision, all of which are profoundly personal. Partner with Northern Virginia breast specialist Dr. Anderson to learn about your options and achieve your ideal results.

Learn more by calling (703) 893-1111 or completing our online form to schedule your consultation today!

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