Body Lift

Body Lift in Northern Virginia

Body lift procedures lift, tighten, and sculpt the buttocks, thighs, hips, and stomach by removing sagging skin and excess fat.

Lax, sagging skin is common among people who have experienced significant weight loss or fluctuations. Aging skin also loses elasticity and resiliency, causing it to droop. Unwanted folds of hanging skin can adversely affect your self-esteem and cause discomfort, mobility, or hygiene concerns by chafing or rubbing on the surrounding areas.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Erica Anderson has specialized in body contouring procedures for over 20 years. With her new association with McLean Plastic Surgery, Dr. Anderson has established an inviting setting where she can continue helping patients successfully transform their figures and accomplish their aesthetic goals. By valuing honest communication and sincere connections with each patient, Dr. Anderson strives to create a positive experience where she can deliver the results you desire.

Are you interested in learning more about body lifts? Contact us at (703) 893-1111 or complete our online form to schedule your consultation today!

What Is a Body Lift?

A body lift, also known as a belt lipectomy or a circumferential tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure designed to restore a youthful shape and tone to the lower body. Significant weight loss, pregnancy, aging, sun damage, and genetic factors can contribute to stretched skin that results in sagging on the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. Often, people choose body lifts as the capstone of their aesthetic goals after losing significant weight.

Body lift surgery does not substitute for healthy weight loss. Instead, this versatile procedure reduces excess skin and targets small pockets of fat to sculpt a sleeker, more toned figure. Ideally, patients should be at or near their ideal body weight for at least 1 year. It’s important to be nutritionally stable as well.

A body lift can address sagging, droopy skin, fat, and tissue to create trimmer, shapelier:

  • Abdomen, extending around to the flanks
  • Lower back
  • Buttocks
  • Inner and outer thighs

Choosing Dr. Anderson as Your Virginia Body Lift Surgeon

Board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Anderson has specialized in breast and body contouring procedures for the past 20 years, providing outstanding results and exemplary care for patients in academic and private settings.

Dr. Anderson enjoys getting to know her patients, listening to their concerns and desires, and delivering results they will love for years. She is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. She and her spouse, a cardiac surgeon, have four children and a Vizsla. She enjoys staying active with CrossFit.

Am I an Ideal Candidate for a Northern Virginia Body Lift?

Good candidates for body lifts are in overall good health and want to address loose, sagging skin and fat around their midsection, especially in the abdomen or buttocks. Many people choose to get a lift after achieving significant weight loss.

If you are interested in a body lift in Northern Virginia, you should:

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle
  • Be at an ideal, stable body weight
  • Be a non-smoker or be willing to quit at least six weeks before and after surgery
  • Not be pregnant and be finished childbearing
  • Have no medical conditions that impair healing
  • Have a positive outlook and realistic expectations
  • Understand the potential risks and benefits

Your Body Lift Consultation With Dr. Anderson

As one of the country’s most sought-after body contouring surgeons, Dr. Anderson will discuss your medical history, perform a physical examination, and review your surgical options during your consultation. Dr. Anderson will customize your Northern Virginia body lift to achieve optimal results. She will explain her recommended techniques to ensure you understand the extent of your procedure.

Meet McLean's Breast and Body Specialist

Explore your transformative cosmetic surgery options available from board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Erica Anderson. As a breast and body contouring specialist, Dr. Anderson combines extensive knowledge of anatomy with her unparalleled passion for patient care. Schedule your consultation with one of the best plastic surgeons in Northern Virginia today.

Preparing for Body Lift Surgery in McLean, VA

You must be in good overall health before any plastic surgery. Here’s general information to help you prepare for a body lift.

  • Keep your weight consistent by following an exercise regimen and well-rounded diet. Eat healthy, nutritious meals with plenty of protein for an optimal recovery.
  • Remain well-hydrated before and after surgery.
  • Ensure you’re medically fit for surgery by seeing your primary physician for a full examination and appropriate testing, such as bloodwork or an EKG.
  • Don’t take medications, supplements, or vitamins that increase bleeding or bruising risks for at least two weeks before and after surgery.
  • Arrange for assistance with household management or child care for several days after surgery.
  • If you currently smoke, vape, or use nicotine products, you should quit. Smoking is detrimental to healing, so Dr. Anderson requires patients to stop smoking at least six weeks before and after surgery.
  • Prepare for recovery by taking ample time off work, purchasing necessary supplies, filling pain medication prescriptions, freezing meals for easy preparation, and creating a clean, comfortable resting place.
  • Ask a trusted friend or family member to drive you home after your procedure.

Body Lift Procedure Overview

On the day of your procedure, you’ll arrive at a fully accredited surgery center and meet Dr. Anderson and your anesthesia provider to review the details of your body lift surgery and ask any final questions.

Dr. Anderson will typically begin a body lift procedure by creating a beltline incision around the lower abdomen and above the buttocks. Then, she will remove unwanted fatty tissue, skin, and muscle from your stomach, flanks, and lower back. If necessary, she may perform liposuction to improve your contours.

Dr. Anderson will elevate the remaining thigh, buttock, and abdomen muscle and tissue, sculpting the area to create a taut appearance. She will also create a new belly button.

Dr. Anderson will carefully close the incisions to minimize scarring and place a drain that will remain in place for a few days.

Depending on your procedural plan, a body lift may take four to six hours.

Washington DC, Maryland Body Lift Recovery

While some body lifts are outpatient surgeries, you may require an overnight stay in a surgical facility to ensure maximum comfort. Following a body lift, bruising and swelling are common, but they will gradually resolve over the next few weeks. You must wear a compression garment as directed to minimize swelling and support your new contours. Dr. Anderson will prescribe medication to minimize discomfort. While everyone heals at a different rate, most patients take 10 to 14 days away from work and social activities while recovering.

Dr. Anderson recommends getting adequate rest and avoiding strenuous workouts or heavy lifting for four to six weeks to allow your body to heal completely. During your follow-up appointments, Dr. Anderson will evaluate you and clear you for exercise and other activities based on your progress. Most patients can resume light activities like walking within a week.

Enhance Your Figure
boost your confidence

View our gallery to see Dr. Anderson’s outstanding results

How Soon Will I See My Body Lift Results?

While your recovery will be unique to you, you should notice a difference almost immediately. However, it may take two years or more for your body to adapt to its improved contours. For long-lasting results, eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and follow Dr. Anderson’s post-procedural instructions and recommendations.

How Much Does a Northern Virginia Body Lift Cost?

Since Dr. Anderson will tailor a surgical plan to meet your needs, your body lift cost will vary depending on the extent of your procedure and your aesthetic goals. You will receive an accurate estimate when meeting one-on-one with Dr. Anderson. As a body lift is a cosmetic procedure, health insurance typically does not cover it. However, be sure to ask about available financing options during your consultation.

Schedule Your Northern Virginia Body Lift Consultation Today

Restore your figure and renew your confidence when you partner with Dr. Anderson, one of the best body lift surgeons in Northern Virginia. Learn about your options by calling (703) 893-1111 or completing our online form to schedule your consultation!

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