Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift in Northern Virginia With Dr. Erica Anderson

By today’s standards, a well-proportioned figure often includes a slim waist and a full, shapely backside.

While some women are genetically inclined to have a curvy derriere, others experience the impact of aging and gravity that causes droopy or deflated-looking behinds over time. A Brazilian butt lift can create proportional curves that boost your confidence.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Erica Anderson has specialized in body contouring procedures for over 20 years. With her new association at  McLean Plastic Surgery, Dr. Anderson has established an inviting setting where she can continue helping patients successfully transform their figures and accomplish their aesthetic goals. By valuing honest communication and sincere connections with each patient, Dr. Anderson strives to create a positive experience where she can deliver your ideal outcome.

Learn how Brazilian butt lift can help you achieve your body contouring goals by contacting us at (703) 893-1111 or completing our online form for your consultation today!

What Is A Brazilian Butt Lift?

A Brazilian butt lift, or BBL, is an operation that relocates fat into your backside from areas where you have extra. First, Dr. Anderson harvests fat from a donor location, like your abdomen, flanks, hips, or inner thighs, via liposuction. This phase of the surgery also provides a slimming effect and creates more pleasing contours for a part of your body that may traditionally be a trouble zone.

Next, Dr. Anderson will carefully process the donor fat by filtration and inject the healthy cells into your buttocks at different planes to create a rounder, fuller shape.

Not all the transferred fat cells will survive in their new location; however, up to t50-70% of the fat will establish a blood supply. During a Brazilian butt lift, Dr. Anderson accounts for resorption and may transfer slightly more fat than necessary to help you achieve your desired results.

Choosing Dr. Anderson as Your Northern Virginia BBL Specialist

Dr. Anderson has specialized in breast and body contouring procedures for two decades. She prides herself on delivering outstanding results and exemplary care for all patients through her practice at McLean Plastic Surgery.

As an expert on body rejuvenation procedures, Dr. Anderson understands her patients’ desires, making her your choice as one of the best Brazilian butt lift providers in Northern Virginia.

Your Brazilian Butt Lift Consultation With Dr. Anderson

As one of the country’s most sought-after body contouring surgeons, Dr. Anderson will ask you questions about your anatomy and what you consider your ideal outcome. Then, she will discuss your medical history, perform a physical examination, and review your BBL options.

Due to the unique nature of the Brazilian butt lift, Dr. Anderson will first determine whether you have adequate fat for transfer and evaluate your contours to establish where more fullness will create an attractive outcome. She will then explain the details, BBL risks and benefits, and anatomically accomplishable results to ensure you understand the extent of your BBL procedure.

Brazilian Butt Lift Before and After

View our gallery to see real patients’ before-and-after BBL results photos.

Am I an Ideal Candidate for a Northern Virginia BBL?

Good candidates for Brazilian butt lifts are in overall good health and want to increase fullness in their buttocks to enhance their figure and boost their confidence.

If you are interested in a Brazilian butt lift in Northern Virginia, you should:

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle
  • Be at an ideal, stable body weight
  • Be a non-smoker or be willing to quit at least six weeks before and after surgery
  • Not be pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Have no medical conditions that impair healing
  • Have a positive outlook and realistic expectations
  • Understand the risks and benefits

Preparing for Your Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

You must be in good overall health before any plastic surgery. Here’s general information to help you prepare for your BBL.

  • Avoid weight fluctuations by following a consistent exercise regimen and well-rounded diet. Eat healthy, nutritious meals with plenty of protein for an optimal recovery.
  • Remain well-hydrated before and after surgery.
  • Ensure you’re medically fit for surgery by seeing your primary physician for a full examination and appropriate testing, such as bloodwork or an EKG.
  • Avoid medications, supplements, or vitamins that increase bleeding or bruising risks for at least two weeks before and after surgery.
  • If you currently smoke, vape, or use nicotine products, you should quit. Smoking is detrimental to your recovery, so Dr. Anderson requires patients to stop smoking at least six weeks before and after surgery.
  • Prepare for recovery. Take ample time off work, purchase necessary supplies, fill pain medication prescriptions, freeze meals for easy preparation, and create a clean, comfortable resting spot.
  • Ask a trusted friend or family member to drive you home after your procedure.

Arrange for assistance with household management or child care for several days after surgery.

Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure Overview

On the day of your procedure, you’ll meet with Dr. Anderson to review your surgical details and answer any final questions you have.

Dr. Anderson will begin your BBL by creating small incisions to strategically extract fat from localized deposits in the designated donor region and using a power-assisted cannula to separate the fat for easier extraction. After harvesting the fat, she will purify it and place it into syringes for injection. She will precisely and strategically inject fat into the areas where you desire more fullness.

Depending on your procedural plan, a Brazilian butt lift may take two to four hours under local or general anesthesia.

Meet McLean's Breast and Body Specialist

Explore your transformative cosmetic surgery options available from board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Erica Anderson. As a breast and body contouring specialist, Dr. Anderson combines extensive knowledge of anatomy with her unparalleled passion for patient care. Schedule your consultation with one of the best plastic surgeons in Northern Virginia today.

BBL Recovery

BBLs are usually outpatient surgeries. You can go home the same day with a responsible adult to drive you.

Following a Brazilian butt lift, bruising, swelling, and soreness are common, but they will gradually resolve over the next few weeks. We will provide you with a compression garment to help minimize swelling and support your new buttock contours, and you will need to wear this garment full-time for six weeks. Dr. Anderson will prescribe medication to help you manage discomfort while you heal.

To achieve optimal BBL results, Dr. Anderson will give you a recovery protocol to follow meticulously. One critical component of BBL recovery is avoiding pressure on your buttocks – you will need to rest on your stomach or sides. Do not sit or lie down on your buttocks for any length of time, except for using the restroom. Dr. Anderson will instruct you on how to modify your activities until you have fully healed.

Depending on your procedure, you will need to take one to two weeks off work. Most patients can resume light exercise, like walking, within a week. Get adequate rest and avoid strenuous exercise or heavy lifting for up to eight weeks to allow your body time to heal completely. Dr. Anderson will clear you for exercise and other activities based on the progress she observes during your follow-up appointments.

How Soon Will I See My BBL Results?

Many patients will notice an immediate, dramatic improvement following a Brazilian butt lift. Swelling and bruising may temporarily obscure results; however, as these effects resolve, the fat will settle, and your body will adjust to its new contours. This process may continue for up to six months.

Once settled, this fat is permanent and will respond to weight fluctuations like any other place on your body. To ensure the longevity of your rounder, shapelier contours, maintain your healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and consistent exercise routine, as significant weight fluctuations may impact your BBL results.

How Much Does a Northern Virginia Brazilian Butt Lift Cost?

Due to its unique nature, BBL costs will vary by patient. During your consultation, Dr. Anderson will create a customized surgical plan and estimate your Northern Virginia Brazilian butt lift cost.

As a BBL is a cosmetic procedure, your insurance plan will not cover it. However, Dr. Anderson also offers CareCredit and other financing options. Be sure to ask about these during your consultation.

Enhance Your Figure
boost your confidence

View our gallery to see Dr. Anderson’s outstanding results

Renew Your Curves With Northern Virginia Brazilian Butt Lift!

Reclaim your curves and confidence when you choose Dr. Anderson as your body contouring partner.

Learn about BBL in Northern Virginia by calling (703) 893-1111 or completing our online form to schedule your consultation today!

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